voices out of the West, mostly poetry, personal to planetary

Blake More

Mendocino Coast, California

Blake More is an artist with multiple creative voices and obsessions: poetry, video, radio, performance, costume design, collage, teaching, painting, functional mixed media art/life pieces and wildly painted poetry art cars.

Her book godmeat is a collection of poetry, prose, color artwork, and a DVD compilation of poem movies (available at, and her latest chapbook Up In the Me World is available on her website.

2 by Blake More

What Picture Am I Today

 ~ a study in black & white, circa 2014

Silhouetting sky expanse

the dark reach of her rests

one-legged upon the future

both woman gazing upward

and with one shared hand

tossing twilight stars

into the earth mirror

planting seeds, kernels of language,

food for their forgotten limbs

sweet liquid communion drawn into light

by the hummingbirds in her mind

standing still, yet moving

as another woman, perhaps her alter angel

younger, no longer distant

illuminates the clouds

does anyone truly understand the flower

emerging from her silence?

resting in between the monochromatic lines

like a Buddha seeking sanctuary

above horizontal racket

she fears no and immediately inhales

so her breath can exhale the coal hearted voices

as they fall upon the blades of their lies and half truths

shouldering her bag of compassion

she puts on her pile of shoes

and continues on with chameleon fishing

forgiving them all

her dreams beckoning

past the gallop of horses

to the secret marching band

prancing confidently across a never-ending journal

something in her wishing to hypnotize

every last morsel of this day

bend it into a smile

that matches her eye

open in the window

Light Nougat

it is January when I bite into the sky

and taste sunset

the deep orange meal

draped with locks of lilac

blooming as if summer lasted all year

ribbons of hot pink edged in tiny bows of yellow

cobalt embracing them all

the hues mingle with the joy

I drank from your eyes this morning

knowing somewhere

you too bask in the last remaining liquid of this day

I quietly sing to the tiny things that make life vast

inhale the light skipping along the waterline

stop to palm flecks of abalone

keeping only the smallest

lest my pockets be too heavy

for pirouettes to carry me

wildly counting


past the heron posing amidst the clatter of gulls

a black lab races from shore to lavender froth in tireless laps

seal pup bobbing and rolling and taunting just out of reach

rubber booted photographers balance beside round rock

cameras, like me, aim to capture echoes of dusk

the sun steeps past the faraway ledge

steadfast on its path of day breaks

as beauty seeps down my cheeks

a tributary of blessings

this moment, the air

my lungs expanding

past the boundary of skin

the ocean exhaling me

in the enormity

of us all

RETURN TO TOP > is a non-commercial project, an online anthology, to share a poetic vision of the land we love.

We have no permanent office although we do have deep roots in western Colorado.

You can write us at Box 160 Norwood CO 81423, or better yet, email us, by clicking 

or, if you use a webmail system, write to hello (at)