voices out of the West, mostly poetry, personal to planetary

Robyn Hunt

Santa Fe, New Mexico

RobynHunt is Development and Communications Director for Las Cumbres Community Services, working in northen New Mexico. She is a member of the ‘Circle of Seven,’ a poetry critique group in Santa Fe.

Her debut poetry collection The Shape of Caught Water was published in June of 2013 by Red Mountain Press, and is reviewed on this site by Art Goodtimes. 

(Click here to read the review)

Stone Porch Perch

Here the vine grows eight feet

a minute our hostess winks

twining one stray shoot

back onto another at the mother frame

The left side of her face 

stilled by stroke

These green lithe limbs resemble

grape stems the sky goes

rose we hear every

punctuation mark every trill

mourning doves the rub of

wings against the dusk 

just out of sight

goats caw then further 

anxious rising flotilla 

of fenced-in puppies

loosed from shoes feet rest 

one white wicker ottoman 

chairs rock reluctantly

lazy sloped roof & length of road 

in front occasionally a car

as if lost

a telephone is a non-commercial project, an online anthology, to share a poetic vision of the land we love.

We have no permanent office although we do have deep roots in western Colorado.

You can write us at Box 160 Norwood CO 81423, or better yet, email us, by clicking 

or, if you use a webmail system, write to hello (at)